A healthy dental regimen should consist of regular brushing, flossing, and… licorice? According to a new study, licorice root can actually help combat gum disease.

In a paper recently published in the ACS Journal of Natural Products, Dr. Stefan Gafner explores the use of dried licorice root as a dental remedy. Dr. Gafner and her team found that licorice contains two compounds which fight the bacteria responsible for cavities and gum disease. The paper goes on to suggest that these substances could help licorice play a role in keeping those pearly whites in peak condition.

Will Twizzlers do the trick? Not exactly. While licorice has long been used in Chinese herbal medicine to aid digestion, most ‘licorice’ candies sold in the West are flavored with anise. (Oh well.)

Either way, you might not want to incorporate licorice into your pre-bedtime routine just yet. The potent plant can have undesirable interactions with prescription drugs. That’s why it’s best to talk to a professional! Whether you need an orthodontist in Alpharetta or a dentist in West Hollywood, we’ve got your back.

Image: Licorice, a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) image from Tanya Dawn’s photostream.