Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jing Herbs Hepapack | Vegan Kingdom

Firstly i just want to say sorry for not updating the site with new blog posts sooner, things have been really busy but i have some more articles and posts on the way soon. Recently i have been testing a whole load of new products for our store over at Amla and one in particular that i really rate is the Hepa Pack by Jing Herbs.

The Hepa Pack is a 3 Phase liver support and detoxification supplement and the supplement is very well formulated. One ingredient in particular that i am impressed with is that they have used Chinese Licorice Root rather than the American species(G.Glabra) the latter which is stimulating, whilst the Chinese species is calming. I do not tolerate the American variety(G.Glabra)  i find it makes me edgy and panicky, so i often have to mix and formulate my own herbs as many Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese formulas contain the American Licorice root.

Now that im a herb fanatic i love to look at various formulations and personally cannot see any fault with the Hepa Pack formulation. It would be cool if they offered the product as a powder also so that you could get the bitter benefits which also aid digestion and liver cleansing. I usually just empty the capsules into a little water so i can get the bitter effect from the herbs such as schizandra and bupleurum root.

The Hepa Pack contains a variety of different herbs and compounds all of which have various effects on the liver such as speeding up regeneration of new liver cells(milk thistle & schizandra), cleansing the liver(Bupleurum root & others), increasing the master antioxidant gluthathione(N-Acetyl-Cysteine), increasing the production of bile(Turmeric & Others), antioxidant and hepato-protective.

The great bonus is that the herbs in the formula all have secondary benefits for example Schizandra, Chinese Licorice Root and Astragalus are adaptogens which help increase the bodies resistance to stress. Many of the herbs either have direct anti-inflammatory properties such as Turmeric root or support the adrenal glands which produce the bodies own natural anti-inflammatory steriod hormones.

Anyway back onto why i am using the Hepa Pack, i like to support my liver at least twice a year. I had a past history of overindulgence in junk food and heavy alcohol use so at one point my liver function was very poor until i was introduced to liver support and bitter herbs such as in this formula. The liver is an extremely important and ignored organ when it comes to many stubborn health ailments. Modern testing is also not always accurate, liver enzyme tests are for checking damage to the liver not how well it is functioning.

The liver is a very emotion sensitive organ and i believe chronic stress is what initially slowed down my liver function and created alot of horrible symptoms such as acne, adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalances such as estrogen dominance which then creates other problems such as low thyroid, low libido, poor energy levels and much more. After suffering from severe adrenal fatigue and multiple other health problems i like to support my body in times of stress i usually do this with the use of adaptogenic herbs(some are in the hepapack formula such as schizandra, chinese licorice and astragalus) and liver herbs. Obviously a high nutrient diet to replace the nutrients you’re body is using up during stress is essential also.

If you wish to purchase the Jing Herbs Hepa Pack please visit – Jing Herbs Hepa Pack


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