There are a wide range of alternative treatments for Hepatitis C. These range from physical therapies and relaxation techniques to a variety of herbal and dietary supplements. Almost half of all patients with Hepatitis C have improved some kind of improvement by using alternative treatments. In this article we will take a look at some of the most popular alternative treatments for Hepatitis C and review what you need to know about each one.
Milk thistle is probably the most widely-used and researched of the alternative treatments for Hepatitis C that are available. Milk thistle has been known to have an antiviral effect, directly fighting the Hepatitis C infection. Milk thistle also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the diseased level. Studies on milk thistle have had conflicting results. However, it seems that milk thistle has very few side effects and is quite safe to use and, at least in some patients, has been shown to result in lower viral levels.
Another of the most common herbal alternative treatments for Hepatitis C is licorice root, specifically the active component in this plant. Licorice root has been shown in studies to help relieve some of the complications of this disease, as well as generally improving the state of the liver. Using licorice root in combination with other herbal alternative treatments (such as milk thistle) has resulted in improved levels of liver enzymes and liver function. However, unlike milk thistle, licorice root has several important side effects. These include problems maintaining sodium and potassium levels, water retention, and the associated blood pressure problems. Licorice root also interacts unfavorably with several medications, including diuretics and medication used for cardiovascular disorders.
Some scientists have speculated about the possibility of using thymus extract as a possible alternative treatment for hepatitis C. This extract, taken from a cow’s thymus gland, may help boost an immune response in patients with this disease. So far, thymus extract has not been shown to have a significant effect in relieving hepatitis C. Also, while thymus extract does not have particularly dangerous side effects, its animal origin may make it prone to contamination. This is why people with problems in their immune system should be careful about taking this dietary supplement.
Three herbal remedies that are thought to have a positive effect on hepatitis C include ginseng, schisandra, and St. John’s wort. These alternative treatments for Hepatitis C may have a positive effect in combating the side effects of traditional hepatitis C treatments, as well as having a mild antiviral effect. However, all three of these herbal remedies have potential side effects that should be taken into account before beginning treatment.
There is also plenty of anecdotal evidence that supports alternative treatments such as acupuncture and different relaxation therapies. While these kinds of techniques have been found to be helpful in relieving other conditions (such as back pain or rheumatoid arthritis,) there is no scientific evidence supporting their use as alternative treatments for Hepatitis C. However, they may provide a general benefit to the body that helps boost the body’s own immune response.
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